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How does it work?

The highest currency exchange rates for all available currency pairs!

FX City charges a minimal fee for executing money transfers. We exchange currencies at the highest possible rates — without any hidden costs.


  • Registration

  • Add a recipient

  • Currency conversion

  • Money transfer

Step 1 - Registration

To start using the website, register by clicking here  or choosing the “Registration” option in the upper menu bar.

  • Opening a business account — the account will be registered using your company details.
  • Opening an individual account — the account will be registered using the details of a natural person.

To complete a registration, the account should be activated by clicking the link sent to the e – mail address provided during the registration and then confirming the intention to open an account.


Step 2 - Add a recipient

Add a recipient and use your panel to order a transfer of funds to an account indicated by you.


Step 3 - Currency conversion

Carry out currency conversion at the highest possible rate.

After carrying out a currency conversion transaction, the transfer is executed immediately after the funds are credited to one of our bank accounts.


Step 4 - Transfer to our account

To make a transaction through FX City service, a cashless transfer of funds should be made to one of our accounts visible only for registered customers.

Click here to register!

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